Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun with Cars - Not! Fun with Cats - A Lot!

So Friday night was my regular gaming night. We started a new D&D campaign, this one based in the Dragonlance world. I am playing an Elven Wizard with a cat familiar, like Hermione Granger has in the Harry Potter books. Because it took a long time for everyone to create their characters, I did not get home until after 1 AM.

Gitana was feeling lonely so I had to sit and pet her awhile before bed, so I did not get to sleep until 2 AM.

Saturday morning, Michelle got up and went off to teach a rubber stamp class to a bunch of 4-H kids while I stayed in bed.
I was woken up by the phone ringing less than 30 minutes later around 8:15 AM, although I missed answering the first 3 times it rang!
It was Michelle, who had gotten a flat tire on the way to class and needed me to come give her my car so she could get there while I waited for AAA to come change the tire. (Thanks Mom and Dad!)
I was dressed, gave Jeeves his insulin shot, grabbed breakfast (a granola bar and the Diet Dew), cleaned the gaming stuff out of the car, and was out the door in 12 minutes.
I was very cold and windy for April Saturday morning too.
I only had to wait about 5 minutes or so for the AAA guy to come and he had the tire changed in under 10 minutes.
I drove away on the tiny spare tire but the PT Cruiser was steering very poorly. After 500 feet or so I stopped and found the spare was flat!!!
I put on the hazard lights and waved my arms at the tow truck, which had not left yet.
He told me that that was the first time he had ever had that happen.
He put the PT on his flat bed and drove me and it to the Goodyear store (Richlonn's on Washington Ave.)
Three hours (and one walk to the Piggly Wiggly for a real breakfast) and was on my way home with a new tire.
I stopped to pick up more thyroid medicine for Jeeves and was home about noon.

About 12:30 we got a phone call from Kathy at Kindred Kitties, asking if we could handle a second set of kittens. These four are older than the two we already had. The four are now in the second kitten kondo in the master bathroom and the two girl's kondo has moved into the master bedroom.

Tonight is school picture night at Caledonia Cat Academy so the formal introductions with pictures and names will be coming shortly!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kitten update 4/23/08

After some discussions with Kindred Kitties we are not going to be getting Da Boys back.
When they are a bit better they will be travelling to a home in West Allis where the lady specializes in "problem" kittens.
She will be taking the 5 plus a diabetic kitten that was at a different Kindred foster family.

But because nature (and Kindred) abhors a vacuum we have two new girls already.

Watch this space for more details and pictures!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another Sign of Spring!

The Ice Cream Truck is back :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Local Kitten makes it Big in Asia!

Our friends Karen and Darren raise purebred cats and sent us this email today:

"My first Grand Champion in CFA of my breeding, Murrznpurrz Captain Morgan of Kit. Captain is a Cream Classic Tabby out of CH/PR Crown E Mayflower of Murrznpurrz (Odd Eyed White, Female) - (GC Stedam's Silver Certificate X CH Chanti Aurora of Murrznpurrz) bred to CH Crown E Blue Chip of Murrznpurrz (solid Blue, male) - (CH Stedam's Dressed in Blue X CH Crown E White Heat - White Heat's dam was also CH Chanti Aurora of Murrznpurrz).

Captain was shipped to Hong Kong late in 2006 and started his quest to become a Grand Champion in Asia this year's show season, which was accomplished... Captain was Kit Cattery's first Grand Champion as well and foundation stud. I also understand he was the first Cream Tabby Grand Champion in Asia!

I was very scared to ship overseas but he is well loved & a very cherished (and spoiled member) of their family.

Just had to share...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kitten update 4/19/08

Kitten update 4/19/08: The kittens are not doing so well.

We got home Friday night and one of the kittens was severely dehydrated and we had to run him over to another volunteer's house for emergency care. She had IV fluids and a hot rock and some other equipment for taking care of very young kittens that we don't have.

Today a couple of the others very dragging so I hand fed them KMR and A/D prescription kitten food.
I was spending about 1/2 hour out of each 2 hour period in the bathroom taking care of the kittens.
They have diarrhea and even though they were eating they were not gaining any weight. We think they might have worms from living outside.
Because we both work and wouldn't be able to give them the care necessary on Monday we have handed them off to Peggy, the other volunteer who is retired and has more time.
When the situation clears up in a week or so, we will getting them back as we have more space at our house than Peggy has in her apartment.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kitten update 4/17/08

Kitten update 4/17/08: All five kittens are doing fine.

After two days of KMR we have switched them to kitten kibble and kitten canned food.
I do not have any more pictures yet because these are some of the messiest kittens we have had.
They have food all over their faces (and tummies) (and tails) (and paws) and they would be too embarrassed to be seen in public yet.
They should shortly learn how to clean themselves and will be camera ready then.

One of the little grey and white boys has figured out how to climb up the side of the cage and get onto the second level, where he can sit and gaze down on his brothers. He then has to time it just right so he lands on one of them when he jumps off.

In other news I received by free book from the South Dakota Historical Society, which I read this weekend and then will be reviewing.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Boys

The 5 new kittens arrived safe and sound yesterday afternoon.
Because it is still so cold out they are living in their cat condo which has been set up in our master bathroom.

They appear to be about a month old and are so small and furry we are not 100% sure but we think they are all boys.

3 grey & white boys and two boys who are mostly white & very very light brownish-grey patches.

They are drinking their KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) formula from a bowl, but their depth perception isn't well developed yet, so they are all walking around with big milk mustaches.

No name have been chosen yet but the following names have been proposed and rejected:
Henry I, Henry II, Henry III, Henry IV, Henry V
Pikachu, Snorlax, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Meowth
Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter and Animal
George Foreman, George Foreman, George Foreman, George Foreman, George Foreman

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's Kitten Season!

Our first batch of foster kittens are coming today!

They are being dropped off around 2pm CDT.

All we currently know is that there are 5 of them and no Momma Cat.

Watch this space for more news soon!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Woo Hoo! I'm an Early Reviewer!

When I logged into today I had a private message.

"Congratulations. You've snagged an Early Reviewers copy of Dance in a Buffalo Skull by Zitkala-Sa.You should get your copy in the mail shortly. The publishers ship the books directly--some are speedier than others, so be patient!

We hope you find the time to read the book and review it on LibraryThing. You are free--indeed encouraged--to put your review on your blog, or wherever else you want, and to talk about it in the Early Reviewers group. I want to repeat that, although writing a review will help your chances of getting more books, the actual content of your review will not.

We hope you like the book! Let me know if you have any questions.

private comment posted by ablachly at 10:23 pm (EST) on Apr 10, 200"

Every month or so publishers offer early review copies of books to Library Thing and you can request the one you would like.
I have put in my requests every month and was finally picked!

Here is the description from the ER list:
"Dance in a Buffalo Skull by Zitkala-Sa (South Dakota State Historical Society)

Dance in a Buffalo Skull is a tale of late-night frolics, danger, and survival on the prairie. Join tiny field mice for a great feast and dance inside an old buffalo skull. Out of the dark, two fiery eyes glide through the prairie grass, drawing closer to the mice who are oblivious in their merrymaking. What happens next reveals as much about the mice as about their unexpected guest.

This Prairie Tale recreates a world in miniature, with elements of classic fairy tales and traditional fables, and its messages still resonate today. A traditional American Indian story passed orally from generation to generation, it was translated in English and written down by Zitkala-Sa in 1901.
Contemporary Lakota artist S. D. Nelson has created vibrant pictures that add drama to the story. He fuses traditional Lakota Indian styles with modern interpretations to provide visual clues to ancient words.
"The art blends Lakota tradition and modern styles to match the tall tale and bring it to life."—The Midwest Book Review

"Nelson's illustrations add to the tension between the creeping wildcat and the celebrating mice."—School Library Journal

"The narrative tension builds deliciously . . . This tale would be perfect in a scary story time, told with the lights down low."—School Library Journal

"An enjoyable story faithful to the original legend."—The Midwest Book Review"

When I get the book I will post my review here as well as at Library Thing!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Calvin & Hobbes

My favorite comic strip ever:
Calvin and Hobbes (picture by Bill Watterson)

Calvin and Hobbes (picture by Nina Matsumoto)

Calvin and Hobbes: Magic On Paper is Tim Hulsizer's exhaustive look at all things Calvin and Hobbes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Guess Who's 8!

Jeeves Alexander Laycock
birthdate: April 7th, 2000
photo taken November 2000