Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kitten update 4/17/08

Kitten update 4/17/08: All five kittens are doing fine.

After two days of KMR we have switched them to kitten kibble and kitten canned food.
I do not have any more pictures yet because these are some of the messiest kittens we have had.
They have food all over their faces (and tummies) (and tails) (and paws) and they would be too embarrassed to be seen in public yet.
They should shortly learn how to clean themselves and will be camera ready then.

One of the little grey and white boys has figured out how to climb up the side of the cage and get onto the second level, where he can sit and gaze down on his brothers. He then has to time it just right so he lands on one of them when he jumps off.

In other news I received by free book from the South Dakota Historical Society, which I read this weekend and then will be reviewing.

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