Sunday, April 20, 2008

Local Kitten makes it Big in Asia!

Our friends Karen and Darren raise purebred cats and sent us this email today:

"My first Grand Champion in CFA of my breeding, Murrznpurrz Captain Morgan of Kit. Captain is a Cream Classic Tabby out of CH/PR Crown E Mayflower of Murrznpurrz (Odd Eyed White, Female) - (GC Stedam's Silver Certificate X CH Chanti Aurora of Murrznpurrz) bred to CH Crown E Blue Chip of Murrznpurrz (solid Blue, male) - (CH Stedam's Dressed in Blue X CH Crown E White Heat - White Heat's dam was also CH Chanti Aurora of Murrznpurrz).

Captain was shipped to Hong Kong late in 2006 and started his quest to become a Grand Champion in Asia this year's show season, which was accomplished... Captain was Kit Cattery's first Grand Champion as well and foundation stud. I also understand he was the first Cream Tabby Grand Champion in Asia!

I was very scared to ship overseas but he is well loved & a very cherished (and spoiled member) of their family.

Just had to share...

1 comment:

moml said...

What a beauty. I had no idea there was an international cat association or breed shows.
This is so cool. Perhaps Michelle and jeeves
should go on the road!! Lily Manor could be
world famous!