Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Much Ado About Kittens

The naming of kittens can be a difficult thing.

It took us several days to name the second set of kittens we got this summer. (More about them next post).
We never did come up with names for the first set of 5 little sick boy kittens we took care of.
This third set of kittens were a breeze though!
There are two little boys and two little girls.
One brother & sister are very outgoing and the others are quieter.
We turned once again to the Immortal Bard of Avon for names and picked a set from one of our favorite films "Much Ado About Nothing".

Benedick, the comic male lead of the play was portrayed in the movie by Kenneth Branaugh.
Kenneth has since gone on to star in movie version of Hamlet, Othello, Love's Labours Lost, Wild, Wild West and was Professor Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Our Benedick is a grey tabby with a white tummy and a brown nose.
He is always eating and is growing very rapidly.
He is very possessive of his toys. Whenever another kittens tries to take his he growls just like a tiny tiger.

Beatrice, the comic female lead of play was portrayed by Emma Thompson.
Emma has been in Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually and was Professor Sybil Trelawney in both Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and HP and the Order of the Phoenix.

Our Beatrice is a creamy white kitten.
She is slowly turning darker, though her eyes still appear pinkish in certain lighting.

Claudio, the romantic male lead was played by Robert Sean Leonard, now best known as Dr. James Wilson on House.

Our Claudio is a grey tabby with a white tummy and a pink nose, slightly smaller than his brother Benedick.
Claudio has become a great explorer, being the first kitten to climb the outside of their Kitty Kondo and the first one in the bathtub.

Hero, the female romantic lead was portrayed by Kate Beckinsale.
Since Much Ado she has starred in Serendipity, Pearl Harbor, Van Helsing and both Underworld movies.

Our Hero is a small calico kitten.
She is the quietest and was the most skittish of the four but has become much more friendly in the couple of weeks we have had them.
She loves to bump noses!

These four kittens are now old enough for adoption and will be at the Petco in Kenosha, WI on Saturday and Sunday May 17th and 18th, or you can contact Kindred Kitties or email us: capnfrank AT sbcglobal.net

1 comment:

moml said...

They are a beautiful bunch and certianly fit their
names. Good job!