Wooster (As he's known to his friends) originally belonged to Frank's co-worker who named him Harley because of his loud purring.
Wooster was getting into trouble at John's house. He was an only cat and he got bored during the day, so he was acting up, chewing on furniture.
He came for a visit to see if he got along with our 3 cats and he obviously did because he is still here!
As Woo has gotten older he has put on a bit of weight and has developed asthma, but he has no problems taking his medicine once a day in a chewy tuna or liver treat and he is doing much better now. He has even stopped snoring!
You can see Wooster's Catster profile here.
You can see Wooster's Catster profile here.
My cat's name is Wooster after the character in a Whinnie the Pooh episode!
I love that you've named him after a PG Wodehouse character! Is there a Jeeves? I'll have to look through your blog. I love cats and have 4 - all adoptees from Pet Rescue centers. Smiles
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